- Computer science in general
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning
- Software engineering, DevOps
- HPC, parallel computing
- Functional programming, Category theory
- Reproducible research, open science
- Scale Relativity
- Contemporary art, digital art
- 3D-rendering and generative art
- Data-visualization in general or in art projects
- Web development, Web design
- SBC programming for “physical computing”
- Art&Science, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
Former positions
Research engineer at CNRS, working at Linear Accelarator Laboratory (LAL) (physics lab), Paris-Sud University, Orsay, France, 2010-2015
Computer engineer at Institut Curie (cancer research), Paris, France, 2000-2008
Engineering degree, computer science at CentraleSupélec, Paris, France, 1996-1998, 2010
M1, History and philosophy of science and technology, Denis Diderot University, Paris, France, 2008-2009
I am, like this cat, deaf of birth and I have a cochlear implant. I didn’t find any way to contact the cat to ask for permission to use its picture. I hope he won’t mind, and I give him the right to use my picture in return in any social media he would like to use it.↩︎