Workshop on reproducible research

A hands-on introduction to quarto with a Computo submission

Reproducible research, past and future, with Computo and Quarto (presentation), and a hands-on introduction to Quarto with the Computo template (workshop)

May 31, 2024


Reproducing research results, particularly digital experiments, is often complex or even impossible, as changes in technology, source code and the software environment make them partially or totally unavailable, non-detailed, etc. This has various consequences for the scientific work in question. This has a number of consequences for the scientific work in question, including difficulties in building on these results and questions about their credibility. This is why incorporating the issue of reproducibility into publications from the outset is crucial for the credibility of published results and their re-use in future work.

This workshop will present the Computo platform, which allows the publication of reproducible research, and the Quarto platform, which allows the creation of reproducible documents. The workshop will be divided into two parts: a presentation of the platforms and a hands-on introduction to Quarto with the Computo template. The participants will be able to create a reproducible document and submit it to Computo.